Thursday, November 5, 2009

Small Tears

       Episode 2 Small Tears: Gemma is found by Chief Unser on the floor naked with a blanket covering her up. There was an anonymous tip that gave the lead off on the radio to Unser about Gemma's car being found outside a warehouse. Unser tells Gemma that we must take her to the hospital, but Gemma refuses to go. She borrowed Unser Cell to call Tara to meet her and Unser. As Tara helps with her bruises and cuts, Gemma insists that this secret must never to be reveled, not to Jax, Clay, or the club. In the clubhouse is the aftermath of Bobby's coming home party Tig's phone rings as he is passed out on the bar with a woman on top of him. He answers the phone and it's President Marcus Alvarez  of The Mayans wanting to talk to Clay. Tig staggers up and the woman on top of him falls to the floor. Tig wakes Clay up to give him the phone and Alvarez is pissed to find a Mayan dead holding up nine fingers. Alvarez wants guns from the club to go after the Niners. Clay informs him that he is laying low on the radar from ATF and cant help. After the conversation over the phone Clay throws the phone and told Tig that Alvarez found him holding up nine fingers. Tig then says it was Jax who did this, and Clay then told him to get in touch with Leroy President of the Niners to get him some guns. In order to cover up what happened to Gemma, Unser set it up as a car accident that happened to her. He gets out of her car, puts in neutral, and let it crash. Gemma returns to the house with Tara, to get Jax's son Abel to take him to the hospital and say they need to run some tests on Abel. There is a new nanny to watch Able when Jax,Gemma, or Tara are busy with work and club business. The nanny questions Gemma when she sees the bruises on her face, but Gemma said she is fine and grabs Abel quickly to get out of the house. Tara tells the nanny that she will be at the hospital and the nanny said she will join them. Clay, and Tig are at gas station meeting Leroy in Charming. They are being spied on by AJ Winston who is taking photos of Clay, and Leroy talking and shaking hands. Chief Unser pulls up, sees Leroy talking to Clay and tells him that is was wrong to meet them in Charming. Unser then tells Clay that they found Gemma's car on the highway wreaked  and she is at the hospital. Clay,Tig, and Unser rides off to the hospital. Gemma is in the hospital with Tara as she explains that she will heal in time. Unser comes in to the room and tells Gemma that the whole club is here. Gemma is pissed at Unser, but he tells her that they think it was a car accident. Jax Shows up at the hospital and tells Tara if everything is okay. She stated that yes, it was just some minor injuries to Gemma. Jax feels relieved and glad that Tara approached him about club business. Jax and Tara go meet up with the rest of the club in the hospital to tell the news. As Tara walks off Clay got in Jax's face about the incident that happened to the dead Mayan holding nine fingers. Jax told Clay that it seemed like a right thing to do at the time. Unser then informed Clay, that Luann is getting shut down from the feds. Jax insisted that he goes alone to go talk to Otto in prison about this issue. Otto explains to Jax that this agent Stahl, for getting back at him for breaking her nose last season. Jax told Otto that he will take care of it, and talk to Luann. Otto tells him it will take time and money to get her back operational. Jax said he can get her the time, but not the money. Jax goes to Luann and she states that she is being shut down by another adult film producer Georgie Carrosso. She also told Jax that he is stealing her girls and getting them hooked on drugs. Jax said to Luann that they will go take care of it. Jax,Chibs,Juice,Opie, and the very hungover Bobby showed up at Georgie studios to tell Georgie to leave Luann alone or they will come back. Bobby started to feel sick and threw up on Georgie's bodyguard. The club laughed as they walked away. AJ Winston went to the hospital to find out that Gemma didn't say anything about what happened to her. Winston then told Zobelle that the nanny told him nothing about the incident in the warehouse. Zobelle stated in a way that Mrs. Morrow was underestimated about this. The nanny is in the Chapel room with Gemma telling her that she is not going to be asking questions now but there maybe a time when she is. Jax returns to the hospital to find Luann and one of the girls that was punched in the face was Georgie's doing. Luann snaps at Jax stating really good at handling this by getting one of her girls hit. Jax told her that he is going to handle it again, and Luann yelled for him not to go back. Jax turned around angry stating "Who the hell do you think you are?" Luann started to looked feared and backed down. At Georgie's studios Jax,Opie,Chibs,Halfsack,Juice show up with bats, Bobby has a gun as the club starts to bet the Georgie's bodyguard,Georgie, and Crew who gets in the way. Jax lays down another warning to Georgie as he is on the floor. In the clubhouse it's time for Church and the club gather around the table to discuss Luann's porn business. Jax talks about making a deal with Luann to partner up with SAMCRO to help with her business. Clay does not like the idea about it, but Jax tells Clay that this is a good start to get out of running guns, lay low on the ATF radar, and do something legit. Clay still thinks its a bad idea, but will take a vote on it. The club votes yes and is now partners with Luann. Meeting is dismissed and the club goes to meet up with Leroy to make a gun delivery except for Jax to tell Luann about the good news. The club meets up with Leroy to exchange guns and money. As the transaction was about to occur gun shots were fired and shot Bobby. It was the Mayans who found out about the gun deal trade, and stopped the Sons and Niners from doing business and took the the guns from them. Opie was firing back uncovered as the rest of them watched and yelled at him, but didn't get hurt. Marcus Alvarez was on the phone thanking him for the lead on the guns only to find out on the other end was Zobelle. Luann shows up at the abandon warehouse to find Jax and got spooked. Luann thought Jax was there to hurt her, but he told her that he was there to help her, not hurt her. Luann asked SAMCRO as a partner and Jax said yes 50/50. Luann smiled and hugged Jax for the new business deal. Jax returned backed to the clubhouse to find out that Bobby got shot,Tara is there getting the bullet out. Jax looks at Bobby and then Gemma worried if they are okay. Clay called Jax to meet with him privately at the conference room or church. Gemma slowly starts to walk away from what is going on in the clubhouse. Clay informs Jax that everything he is doing is for this club. He also tells Jax he doesn't care if he challenges him, but when it becomes personal the rest of the club is going to see what going on. The club is not going to trust him and he will be all alone. Clay tells him also that he has more experience in this more than Jax. Jax walks away and goes up on the roof to think to find Gemma his mother there. He goes over and asks if she is alright, she says yes and she asks him the same.

Opinion: The episode was more of an emotional episode, than any. I liked it and what I saw was some of the beginnings of Jax taking some leadership in the club of making changes. It was also the beginning of Jax and Clay starting to but heads in the leadership role and starting in a personal role. When the challenge was given out to Jax, I thought it would only be a matter of time. It was in a later episode where I will blog about it. I think Jax is making the smart decisions and Clay is not. Clay want to do the same ol' thing run the guns and Jax wants to change it for the better.

Season 2 Shakedown

November 5, 2009

Episode 1 Season Opener  Albification: In this episode we saw new deals, new faces, new challenges, and more club friction within it's members. Opie returns to Charming, but was still having a hard time coping, and grieving over the death of his wife Donna. It was a mistake taking within the Club last season with the decision made by Clay and Tig. Those bullets were meant for Opie, but got Donna by mistake because thinking Opie had sold out to SAMCRO. As the episode goes on new deals with the IRA for business to move guns for SAMCRO. New faces moved into Charming Ethan Zobelle and AJ Winston white separatists wanting to push Sons Of Anarchy out for good. Ethan Zobelle wanting to open a new smoke shop in Charming, and try to befriend the Hales for support to rid the Sons. Clay and Jax are starting conflicts that are effecting the club in making decisions. Jax, Hale, and Piney are keeping the secret of Donna's death to protect Opie from knowing the dirty truth of what really happened. Bobby "Elvis" Munsion returns back to the club after being held in Jail for 2 months for a eyewitness who picked out Bobby in a murder last season. As he returns home a welcome home party was arranged for him. The club convinces Opie it was The Mayans who are responsible for Donna's Death. Clay made a decision at the table or Church that a Mayan was responsible for the death and Opie can take care of it. Jax, Tig, Chibs, and Opie went for the search of the Mayan. As they disassembled the Mayan off the bike, they took him off to a place to finish him off. Opie carved a Anarchy symbol for a message for President Marcus Alverez of The Mayans. When everyone left Jax shot the dead Mayan to cover up the Anarchy symbol and dumped him off in a alley way. He sat him up and gave a message of the dead Mayan of holding up nine fingers. Nine fingers means of the Niners gang in Oakland, CA. The party was happening for Bobby's coming home party when a car pulled up to Teller-Morrow Garage, being it was Ethan Zobelle and AJ Winston. Clay, and the club came to address them only to find out that Zobelle reason for coming was to give a message of not selling guns to The Mayans and Niners anymore. Tig pulls out his gun as Clay told Zobelle and Winston that he wont take that threat and Tig will kill him if he wanted to.The message and answers didn't go well with Zobelle, and as they got back in to their car Gemma was spotted by AJ Winston and had another plan to get the message across. As the night went on Bobby was dropped off by ATF agent Stahl, to make her apperance again to the club. Tara questions her relationship with Jax and the club. Gemma sets her straight with there needs to be truth to be told to her about the club. Gemma leaves, Jax returns and Tara looks at him with question of what Gemma Told her. Gemma stops and hears a van behind her honking and a blonde woman comes out looking for Gemma's help. She states her baby choked on something, Gemma at first pulls out a gun in her purse but lays it down in her car to help. Within a second the blond woman knocks her out and kidnaps her. When Gemma regains conciseness Three men in mask come to approach her and begin to beat and rape her. Gemma notice a tattoo on the neck of one of the men in mask of a upside down piece sign. A message was for her to send to Clay to stop selling guns to color or they will find her and do this again. Jax goes to take a shower and Tara follows to pick up his clothes. She finds a bloody handkerchief and confronts him about the truth. Jax says he tells her the truth but Tara states not what she can handle the whole truth. He tells her that he help Opie killed a man today for retaliation on Donna.

Opinion: This episode really sets the tone in what is to come this season. I loved it, it really kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. I've been a big fan of the show since it came out last year. I think the writing, the directing,  and the actors that make these characters come to life. It's my favorite show on TV today and the best show to come out in a long time.